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  • Are you accepting custom orders?
    Custom orders are currently closed. However, if you would like something from the shop to be customized, we may be able to do that for you. Just send us a question directly if you are not sure. Sign up for newsletter updates to be the first to know when we are open for custom orders again.
  • Can I order a custom dog collar?
    We are not currently not taking custom dog collar orders but you can check in with our sister brand Josie Dybe Designs and add yourself to a custom collar waitlist. It will be a few months before they start taking orders again and the list is pretty long but if you are feeling patient and would like a one-of-a-kind custom collar, follow these steps: Go to Josie Dybe Designs FB page and send them a message with a note about your dog and the design you have in mind. They will add you to the waitlist. In a few months, they will contact you with a quote and ask for 100 deposit before getting started on your design drawing. Then they will start working on a design. Once that design is approved, pay the remaining balance and Josie will get started on your custom collar. Keep in mind these handmade collars can take 3 months to a year to complete.
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